paresis|pareses in English


[pa·re·sis || pə'rɪːsɪs /'pærəsɪs]

partial paralysis, partial palsy, partial immobility

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Below are sample sentences containing the word "paresis|pareses" from the English Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "paresis|pareses", or refer to the context using the word "paresis|pareses" in the English Dictionary.

1. This results in the presence of focal amyotrophies and pareses affecting voluntary muscles.

2. 1 This is usually followed by a posterior paresis.

3. Bilateral abducens nerve pareses were nearly as common as unilateral cases in an inpatient setting (125:143)

4. 3 The complications included 4 transient paresis and 2 transient slurred speech.

5. 6 Benign enzootic paresis affects young , unweaned piglets for the most part.

6. The list above omits the obsolete and rare words 'decurtation', 'Accurtation' and 'paresis'

7. Six of 16 patients (37.5%) developed paresis in muscles formerly not affected by acute poliomyelitis.

8. 11 Individual case can not give side having sheet or paresis of double flank nerve.

9. The following classical brain stem syndromes are important for an ophthalmologist: diseases with III-paresis: Weber's syndrome (1863, ipsilateral oculomotor paralysis with alternating hemiplegia), Benedikt's syndrome (1889, oculomotor paralysis and crossed hemiparesis with tremor), Nothnagel Claude's syndrome (III-Paresis with alternating ataxia); diseases with VII-paresis: Millard Gubler's syndrome (1856, nuclear 7th nerve palsy with crossed hemiparesis), Foville's syndrome (1858, conjugate lateral gaze paralysis, ipsilateral nuclear palsy of the 7th nerve, crossed hemiparesis); diseases with VI-paresis: Raymond Cestan's syndrome (1895, abducent nerve paralysis with contralateral hemiparesis).

10. The illness usually begins with fever, epileptic fits, myoclonic jerks, paresis, paraesthesias, hemianopia and other visual disturbances.

11. He had paresis of the glossopharyngeal and abducens nerves, weakness of the arms and legs, and reflex deficiency.

12. Clinical observation, however, discloses that the muscle stiffness in myotonia congenita is frequently accompanied by a transient paresis.

13. Pseudo-Argyll Robertson pupils: Accommodative paresis ensues, and pupils become mid-dilated and show light-near dissociation.

14. Neuroophthalmological changes comprise optic atrophy, papilledema, proptosis, pupillary changes, hemianopia, gaze paresis, nystagmus, cranial nerve palsies, strabismus, and amblyopia.

15. 9 Temporal postoperative cranial nerve paresis occurred in 3 patients but no CSF leak, and 1 patient went coma postoperatively.

16. 7 Objective To analyse the clinical features in general paresis of insane(GPI)as to offering an early diagnosis.

17. Complications included cerebrospinal fluid fistula in 1 case, mild facial paresis in facial numbness in 6 and labial herpes in

18. 8 Temporal postoperative cranial nerve paresis occurred in 3 patients but no CSF leak, and 1 patient went coma postoperatively.

19. 4 Stage III disk disease causes partial paralysis (paresis) and results in the dog walking in staggering or uncoordinated movements.

20. 13 Objective:To analyse the clinical and image features of general paresis of insane (GPI) so as to make an early diagnosis available.

21. 5 Be in again occurence rate of long-term sex paresis is higher in operation and operation of parotid and extensive excision.

22. 21 Paralysis of long-term sex face 3 excise sacrificial branch to cause paralysis for facial nerve fibroma, 10 (9 % ) all be paresis .

23. 18 Complications included cerebrospinal fluid fistula in 1 case, mild facial paresis in facial numbness in 6 and labial herpes in

24. Bilateral lesions of the opercula frontoparietalia are uncommon and cause a symptom cluster including anarthria, severe dysphagia, inability to chew and sometimes facial paresis.

25. 2 If have paresis of congenital facial nerve, should undertake two years trailing the abnormal rate that exists with fixing place at least.